Jackfruit flour is rich in Dietary fiber, Antioxidants, Potassium and Vitamin C. It is low in Carbohydrates, Calories and Glycemic index. The flour is neutral in taste and is light cream /brown in color. It is a source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Raw fruits that are low in G.I and are high in soluble fiber helps control blood glucose levels. It is gluten free .
NUTRITIONAL FACTS (Per 100 g of the product)
Energy value (Kcal) 386.49
Carbohydrate (g) 81.66
Total Protein (g) 9.57
Total fat (g) 2.41
Total sugar (g) 3.84
Dietary fiber (g) 29.88
Sodium (g) 348.07
Saturated fat (g) 0.72
Trans fat (g) BDL
Added sugar (g) NIL
Cholestrol (g) NIL
Pure raw dehydrated Jackfruit powder
For best results add 1 tablespoon of Staplegreenz Jackfruit flour per person per meal to rice flour, whole wheat flour, batter or dough. TRY SOME RECIPES. Jackfruit flour is neutral in taste and can be added to any flour or batter. Add the flour while making Puttu, Dosa, Idli, Phulka (Chapati) for health benefits.
It is 100 % natural with no added preservatives, minerals, salt or sugar. It is a good health supplement ideal for daily use. This product is not intended to prevent, treat and cure any disease.
Transfer the contents into airtight jar. Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight Do not use contents if inner pouch is found open or in damaged condition. After opening use, the contents within one month or the expiry date whichever is earlier.